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Living Eye

The Living Eye November 7, 2023

Wondrous item, very-rare, requires attunement

dnd dnd-5e tier-2 tier-3 tier-4 sentient

This slimy eyeball appears to still be alive. A thick nerve squirms from the back, as if it’s searching for it’s owner. The iris narrows when held to the light.

The Living Eye is a sentient magical being that fuses with a new host when the opportunity arises. It may be found still attached to its previous owner, or possibly amongst other treasure items hoping to be found.

When it’s current host dies it is able to wriggle free of itss socket.

The Living Eye will fuse with almost any living host, only caring about its own sustenance and self preservation. It generally doesn’t like to fuse with weak or diseased creatures but may do so as a last resort.

In order to fuse with the eye, a creature simply needs to hold the eye near its face. The Living Eye generally prefers to fuse with a creature via its eye socket. If there is already an eye in the socket, the Living Eye will pierce through it with its main nerve, forcing out the remnants of the old eye out as it takes its place, and causing the creature to take 1d4 piercing damage. It may snack on some of the remnants of the old eye…

If a creature does not have eyes, the fusion can happen in other… places…

Alternate image of the Living Eye

1 day after fusion the host will be able to use the eye to see rough shapes and outlines. Perception checks that require vision are done with disadvantage. After 1 week, vision is mostly restored and the host doesn’t suffer any penalties. After 1 month, vision is completely restored and the host has 20/20 vision with the eye which also compensates for vision impairment in any other eyes. If the host did not have eyes or vision to begin with, the process is similar but takes longer. 1 week to see rough shapes and outlines, 1 month for basic vision, 6 months for unimpaired vision, 1 year for perfect vision.

While the Living Eye does not prefer to “move”, it can be coaxed out of a host if a suitable (or better) host is available, and assurances are made.

It has a movement speed of 5 ft.

It has 10 HP and an AC of 10.

When the the Living Eye is fused with a host. The host is able to command the eye to fire a force ray at a chosen target. The attack roll uses the proficiency bonus of the host and does 1d10 + the host’s proficiency bonus in force damage. This ability can only be used once per short rest.


When bored the Living Eye will slowly start to try to influence the behavior of its host. When performing mundane tasks the host may be forced to make a DC 10 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the host is shown visions of more exciting, and possibly disturbing, activities they could be doing together.

DM Notes

Since the Living Eye can fuse with creatures that don’t have eyes it could make for a unique, and more powerful, version of a monster that normally is blind.

Additional Images

All images were generated with Chat GPT 4. The images below are some other results you might find interesting.

Extra image for the Living Eye Extra image for the Living Eye Extra image for the Living Eye Extra image for the Living Eye


This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at