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Chadley's Chatty Chompers

Chadley's Chatty Chompers January 2, 2024

Wondrous item, common

dnd dnd-5e tier-1 tier-2

Chadley removed a curious-looking object from his vest and began violently twisting it in his hand. The orcs stood there, befuddled by what they were witnessing. Holding the object out in front of him, the orcs could now see it was a pair of wooden teeth and they began to chortle. But Chadley's own smile only grew as he hurled the teeth at the naive orcs. Flying through the air, the teeth let out a cackling cry "You've bit off more than you can chew!"

As an action, a creature can wind and throw the Chatty Chompers at an enemy within 30 ft. causing the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save the Chatty Chompers latch onto one of the limbs of the target and deal xd6 piercing damage. At the end of each of the target’s turns, they suffer an additional xd6 damage.

Refer to the table below to determine the values for your level of play. These tiers are at the discretion of the GM. For example, and level 5 player close to leveling up may receive a tier 2 version of the item. Also, the DM can choose to have the magic items “level up” with the player, or maybe the player needs to upgrade the magic item.

Tier of Play Dexterity Saving Throw DC Initial Damage Extra damage
1 10 2d6 1d6
2 15 3d6 1d6
3 20 4d6 2d6
4 25 5d6 2d6

Alternate image of Chadley's Chatty Chompers

On a successful save the Chatty Chompers land in the square behind the target, and continue to chatter. Any creature entering that square must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer the same effects as if it was thrown. The Chatty Chompers deactivate after 1 minute.

When the Chatty Chompers are latched onto a creature, 1 action can be used by any creature within 5 ft. to forcefully rip them off. The target will suffer 1d6 additional damage if the teeth are removed in this way. If 2 actions are dedicated to the removal of the Chatty Chompers then the extra damage is avoided.

For example, the creature suffering the effects can use its action to stop the Chatty Chompers from causing further damage, and another creature can use its action to complete the removal of the teeth.


As the Chatty Chompers fly through the air they cackle a quip! Roll on the Quip table below to determine what the Chatty Chompers say as they’re flying through the air. The Chatty Chompers continue to say quips every time they cause damage, but the quip is muffled and unintelligible due to it actively gnawing on its victim.

Roll Quip
1 “You’ve bit off more than you can chew!”
2 “I think we’ve bit off more than we can chew!”
3 “[Target Creature Type] is on the menu tonight!”
4 “To a set of chompers, everything looks like dinner!”
5 “Num num num num num num!”
6 Instead of a quip you hear the sound of a dinner bell.

DM Notes

Use the table above to scale the effectiveness of the Chatty Chompers for higher tiers of play. If you want to enhance them even more, you can add debuffs for when they’re latched onto a target, like an AC penalty. You could also let a poisoner coat the teeth in poison in order to inflict more damage or other lasting effects.

Additional Images

All images were created with the assistance of DALL·E. The images below are some other results that you might find interesting.

Extra image for Chadley's Chatty Chompers Extra image for Chadley's Chatty Chompers


This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at