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Cantorum's Devil Wand

This entity is legendary! Don't throw it into your campaign willy nilly!

Cantorum's Devil Wand February 27, 2024

Wand, legendary, requires attunement

dnd dnd-5e tier-1 tier-2 tier-3 tier-4 cursed

Cantorum set the menacing wand down on the wooden table and surveyed the awestruck audience.

Cantorum’s Devil Wand can be used as a spellcasting focus. Any spell that would affect the Devil Cantorum fizzles out but still consumes the spell slot.

The wand also counts as a +3 improvised weapon, doing 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage. Each successful attack made with the wand does 1 damage to the wielder.

When casting a spell using this wand as the spell casting focus, the wielder can choose to expend a certain amount of their HP to enhance the damage. The amount of HP expended is doubled and added to the damage dealt by the next spell they cast, as necrotic damage. Area of effect spells are also enhanced this way. The maximum HP that can be expended per spell cast is 8, for a maximum of 16 damage each time, but can be increased for higher tiers. Ask your DM.

The wand was crafted by the Devil Cantorum to trade their power for the life force of the wielder. The wand is cursed and its location is known to Cantorum at all times. When the wand’s ability is used, the life force consumed by the wand is fed to Cantorum.

The curse has many dangerous effects, listed below, but it should also be noted that the wand cannot simply be discarded. When attuned to the wand the wielder feels that the wand is an extension of their being. Any attempts made by the wielder to get rid of the wand will result in them suffering half of their max HP as necrotic damage. If someone else successfully discards the wand for the wielder, for example without their knowledge, the wand will magically appear amongst the attuneded’s belongings.


If the wand is used too much and the amount of HP consumed over time is greater than the wielder’s normal maximum HP, Cantorum will have some measure of control over them.

See below for examples of what Cantorum will be able to do:

The wielder (or party member) may be able to persuade Cantorum to accept up front (and even future) payment for use of, or continued use of, the wand. Breaking a contract made in this manner will have dire consequences…


Roll on the consequences table below to see what effects occur when defying Cantorum.

Roll Consequence
1 Weakened: -2 Strength, weapon attacks have a -2 penalty to hit and damage.
2 Sluggish: -2 Dexterity, dexterity-based checks and saving throws automatically fail.
3 Sickened: -2 Constitution, half as much HP recovered during rests, drinking any alcohol makes you throw up.
4 Dimmed: -2 Intelligence, can no longer communicate verbally.
5 Hazed: -2 Wisdom, perception based checks have a -5 penalty.
6 Aggravated: -2 Charisma, prone to random verbal outbursts.
7 Addiction: Each damage-dealing spell must use the additional effect to the maximum allowed HP sacrifice.
8 Hallucinating: Attacks and spells have a 20% chance to completely miss.

DM Note

To make it apparent that the wand carries a risk beyond sacrificing hit points, have your player roll an extra 1d8 after the ability is used. Keep track of this number to let them know that something is accumulating. When the amount exceeds their maximum HP, introduce them to Cantorum.

The above effects can make for some pretty fun roll play, but may also be extremely frustrating. Make sure to give your adventurer’s a way to remedy the situation.


This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at