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Golem Scrap Metal

Golem Scrap Metal March 12, 2024
dnd dnd-5e tier-1 tier-2 tier-3 tier-4 crafting-item
"Grumblebum... truly a terrible name." Aarn mused with a twinge of regret for the moniker he had chosen for his faithful magical creation. He had given it that name over 20 years ago and now metallic scraps lay scattered across the courtyard, the aftermath of the terrible conflict that had unfolded the night before.
An apprentice brought a cart over and performed a quick incantation. The shovels in the wagon began to glow a dim green as they rose up out of the cart and went to work. They not so delicately scooped up the scraps and dumped them into the cart.
Another apprentice was carefully picking through the wreckage looking for any salvageable components. Every so often they found a small gem, or a piece of metal still humming with magical energy, and placed them into a sack.
Aarn walked over to the apprentice in charge of the shovels and stopped her. He knelt down and retrieved a domed piece of metal. There was a face, barely visible now, drawn onto the surface with thick white chalk. Explosion had blasted most of the chalk away, and deep scratches further distorted the image.

This piece of scrap metal contains some of the lifeforce from a magical golem. Before its untimely demise it was used by Aarn to guard the grounds of his compound, and do some light gardening.

The scrap metal can be used to enhance a shield to give it a +1 bonus. Below are the crafting requirements for the enhancement:

Crafting Requirements: +1 bonus
An existing shield
Golem Scrap Metal (this item)
Master blacksmith, usually found in large cities
100 GP blacksmith fee

It can also be used to craft the Golem Guard Shield.